Sunday, March 25, 2007

Will I ever stop learning?

Being a new midwife is hard. I think it is almost as hard a s being a new Mom. I am constantly learning new things about who I am and what I do as well as how I do them. As I learn my new lessons I find myself being really hard on myself. I know I am not a veteran midwife that has been practicing for ever and know all the little tricks. But, man I really want to be!
I had several annoying mishaps at my last birth. The most annoying of which was "the Doppler incident". It totally malfunctioned and was unusable by the end. I really wanted to throw it out the back door. So, I had to use the fetoscope which is fine. The part that really bugged me was that I told myself that I didn't ever want to use a Doppler. I decided to trade for one a few months ago and began falling into the ease of it. So, if I had of planned to use the fetoscope all along I would have never gotten so irritated by it's malfunction. Anyhow it's silly I know...But, I really felt like I wasted time interrupting the mom's natural flow fumbling with the stupid thing.
Which leads me to my next learning moment....the water birth. I love them they are really cool but, it is soooo hard to monitor the baby when the mom is in the water. I am not usually wound up about getting FHT often during labor. In fact, I think that we are taught to do it much more often than totally necessary. But, this time I was just feeling the need to check on the baby. Just another trick of the trade that I really need more practice with....

All in all, it was an AMAZING birth. "A" gave birth to an 11 pound baby boy! He is the cutest! I truly admire her for having the strength to push out such a big boy! Shew.....

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