Saturday, April 28, 2007

This weeks Birth

Was quite a surprise! We weren't expecting this baby for 3 1/2 weeks! So, when the mom called to tell me her water had broke, I was excited but a little ambivalent...

I got a call at 11pm from "H" saying that she had been sitting there sewing when she felt a gush of water. I asked all the usual questions etc., and told her to give me a call when her contractions started up. As I waited for her call I really started to have some mixed feelings. This baby was about to be born at 36 weeks 4 days and I thought that I should take the time to talk this couple about the possible risks if we were to stay at home. The next time I spoke with "H" I told her of some of my concerns and reassured her that if they decided to birth in the hospital that I would go with them and stay for the duration. "H" began to cry and said that she really didn't want to go but, didn't really commit either way. So, I told her to talk about it with her partner and that ultimately it was her call. Finally, at 1:30a Dad called and said that they wanted me to head out.

When I arrived at the house the energy felt really good. "H" was in active labor and seemed to be handling everything beautifully. I sat down with them, checked heart tones and lent some energy through a few contractions. I talked to them once more about staying home or going to the hospital and told them that I was there for the long haul regardless. The house was dark so I laid down on the bed next to "H", I gently stroked her back and breathed with her during contractions. At about 2:45a I heard this loud voice in my head say, "TRUST IN BIRTH". At that point, I committed to staying, so I got up and went in the kitchen to put my equipment on to boil. As I came around the corner Dad said very calm and sweet, "Mountain, the head is coming out". So, I got my pen light to take a look and sure enough the baby was crowning. Everything, just felt so calm and peaceful. I put on my gloves and sat down on the bed next to them. "H" was very conscience of her body and controlled the birth of the baby's head gently. Then with 2 small pushes birthed the rest of her baby. She was small but pink and perfect. Their little girl weighed 6lbs. 1 oz. What a blessing!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

OOOO! Doctors can make me so mad!

Why oh why do they think that they have the right to be mean and hateful to families that have home births? If they truly are only concerned with the health and well being of the babies then why do they make us feel so unwelcome in their offices? It is hard for me to balance out my personal desire to tell families to avoid doctors and hospitals at all costs with the responsibility I have to educate my clients about all of the options. It just breaks my heart that we can not work with the medical establishment to provide the best prenatal, postpartum, and newborn care available. Another point while I am on a tangent...I have heard people talking about midwives being unable to provide the standard of care that a hospital can provide. Well, if the doctors would stop neglecting and in many cases, down right abusing the families that do use midwives then we would be able to provide them with the same standard. It is the medical establishment that prevents us from doing so...and I am beginning to believe that it's done on purpose!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A mom's worst nightmare

So, yesterday seemed like a pretty good day. We are just getting ready to go out to try a new restaurant in our neighborhood when I got the dreaded call...Caitlin has been hit by a car! I can't even tell you what I was thinking, I was so stunned. The woman on the other line (a mother of a friend) was really upset and said "she is crying to come home I will bring her right away!" When she arrived home she was scratched and bruised and highly shaken. I was fearful that she was going to go into shock so I brought her in the house and administered first aid. She was walking around and seemed to be stable so we sat there looking at each other unsure of what to do next. After a few minutes we determined that we would bring her to the ER ourself rather than call an ambulance. Which apparently was the wrong thing to do according to the police officer. To make a long story short....Caitlin must have had an angel watching over her that day cause she managed to get off with a few scrapes and a contusion to her left arm. She even went to school today so that she wouldn't miss the fire trucks that would be there for career day. The driver that hit her left the scene before the police arrived so it is under investigation as a hit and run.

Mostly,I am so thankful that she is alive and happy. Times like these make you realize how much you take advantage of a person being there. This has certainly been a life changing event for us all.

Monday, April 9, 2007


I am excited tho announce that A and her baby are finally home! Baby is doing great and Mom is very relieved. So, am I! I felt like I couldn't move on knowing they were stuck in that hospital. So, soon I will have a picture to share with you all. He is the cutest baby!

I am also excited that we now have a main floor laundry room! WooHoo! I can't tell you how great it is to have a laundry room that I can use while the baby plays nearby. Love it!

More good news!I have a new client that is due in May. She is first time Mom, who was born at home herself. She and her partner are really sweet. I think that Suzanne (the CNM I assist sometimes) is going to come and assist me this time. Hopefully, I don't get nervous.

Well, I hope that everyone had a nice Easter weekend. We spent Sunday at Jesse's Mom's house. It sure is nice to sit back and let everyone else do the cooking! But, it makes me feel a bit lazy. Lily has come down with a stomach bug. We thought it was from eating to much candy but, I now know it is a virus. Poor baby. She's up playing now so hopefully, she will be better soon.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

I haven't posted for a few days. It's been a rough week. "A's" baby had to go to the hospital to get checked for possible infection. They went just to be safe and now the hospital won't let them go for 10 more days! They have run every test under the sun and found nothing wrong with him. But, they did manage to give him a staph infection! Needless to say I feel powerless against this and am not sure what to do. So, this song sums up how I feel this week. You gotta love Ani!