Thursday, April 26, 2007

OOOO! Doctors can make me so mad!

Why oh why do they think that they have the right to be mean and hateful to families that have home births? If they truly are only concerned with the health and well being of the babies then why do they make us feel so unwelcome in their offices? It is hard for me to balance out my personal desire to tell families to avoid doctors and hospitals at all costs with the responsibility I have to educate my clients about all of the options. It just breaks my heart that we can not work with the medical establishment to provide the best prenatal, postpartum, and newborn care available. Another point while I am on a tangent...I have heard people talking about midwives being unable to provide the standard of care that a hospital can provide. Well, if the doctors would stop neglecting and in many cases, down right abusing the families that do use midwives then we would be able to provide them with the same standard. It is the medical establishment that prevents us from doing so...and I am beginning to believe that it's done on purpose!

1 comment:

Pamela said...

i'm having the same feelings about "lactation consultants", "lactation educators", pediatricians, etc. about breastfeeding!
