Thursday, December 6, 2007

"They" said she couldn't do it

Monday morning I woke up at 4am. I couldn't get back to sleep so I came downstairs had a glass of milk, took a shower, heated my rice pillow and snuggled back in bed. A few minutes later I got a phone call from a papa saying that L was having contractions but, not to come over just yet. So, I started to doze of when the next call came, her water had broke. So, I got up got dressed and headed over. When I got there L was laboring really well and getting herself ready to get into the pool. I got my baselines, took a few notes, called Mona and went in to lay down on the couch. Mona arrived around 6:30am and we chatted for awhile. Everything was so calm and felt so perfect. I was elated to be at this birth. As I lay on the couch listening to L moan and breath through contractions I thought about the conversations we had about the doctors and how they said she should have just planned her csection from the beginning. At about 7:45am I started to hear L doing some involuntary pushing but I wanted to wait a bit before we went in and disturbed her flow. Finally around 8:15am I went in and sat beside the pool. She was really starting to push. I saw the babies head emerge gently and I watched as all the mucus was pushed out of his nose by the mama's yoni. Then slowly she pushed the rest of the baby out into my hands. I slowly lifted him out of the water so he could take his first breath and handed him over to L. She looked down and discovered that the baby was a boy. She and her partner began to cry with joy. It was such a sweet victory. You see L has a heart shaped uterus. Her first birth was a csection and the doctors told her that she would never be able to carry term or give birth naturally. She was 10 days overdue! And those doctors were so wrong! Welcome River Free I, born December 3rd 2007 at 8:35am, 7lbs. 6oz. Beautiful, perfect and amazing.


k.thedoula said...

vbac's and especially hbacs just make me SMILE AND SQUEEEEEEEEEEE
Mama to three.
on c/s and two homebirths!!!!

Anonymous said...


I am amazed at how often doctors tell women they can't. I am wondering the percentage of times they are wrong!


s2 said...

This is a great post. Doctors are often wrong but people always believe whatever they say.. cause they are DOCTORS...

It's crazy!
Giving g birth is NOT an operation.

The body is amazing... I'm glad your clients trusted their guts...

also, people don't realize that birth is a business... in Canada where the government pays for health care, people don't realize that c-sections cost more (the price is hidden) than natural child birth. Doctors pressure, and pressure, and pressure women until they say: "you'll need a c-section".

Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit.

Dark Daughta said...

How are you? I've been by a few times but there's no sign of you. I'm figuring somewhere between the new baby and the new career direction, things are really busy. Shout back when you can. darkdaughta

The Rogue Midwife said...

Hey DD. Thanks for checking in on me :) I have been very neglectful of my blog. I have a new birth story that I should post. But, I haven't been in the writing mood. My grandfather died this past monday and I have been sick for several days now. I promise I will get to posting real soon. Good to hear from you!

Dark Daughta said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of your grandfather. Had he been ill? It must have been such an awful shock. Were you very close to him?

Sorry, I've intruded a little without realizing it. Blog when you can, when it feels right for you.

I'll keep checking back. No worries. No pressure.