Monday, February 18, 2008

Perfect and ordinary

Sometimes I feel like my births just aren't dramatic enough to post about. Most of the births I attend are perfect and ordinary. Isn't that the way they were meant to be? Birth is a natural, spiritual and beautiful thing yet it is just another part of the life cycle.
I had my first repeat client this winter. Which is really an honor. I met J and her husband about 2 years ago. They had planned an unassisted birth but, things weren't happening how they planned. So, they called around looking for a midwife to help them. We came to that call. Things turned out beautifully in the end. I think the stall was emotional. This time around I did all the prenatal care and they called me when J started labor. I arrived, set up my equipment, and waited. J was glowing and was simply a Goddess. She handled labor with ease. Just before midnight J said that she felt something change. So, I grabbed my pin light to take a look and I could see the top of the babies head. Soon the head was crowning, then her whole head. The membranes were still in tact so I reached into the water and gently broke the sack. Moments later we saw the whole baby slip into the water. I reached for the baby to help bring her to the surface of the water. I saw then that she had a double nucal cord. That made no difference, she became alert in a matter of seconds. It was a gentle, wonderful birth day for Evelyn Violet.

I feel so blessed to be a part of such great uncomplicated births. I don't know if it is simply karma or if it is because I am so intent on being hands off. Either way I thank the creator for all that I see and know. I am grateful for the families that allow me into their lives in such a sweet and trusting way.


Sarah Stewart said...

I just love the 'ordinary' births - they feed my midwifery soul when others go horribly bad. Sadly, I dont seem to get many of the ordinary ones these days - sign of my times, I am afraid. best wishes Sarah, midwife and educator, New Zealand

Jawndoejah said...

Amazed you broke the bag of water. I really was happy this time with one thing (this was a hospital birth I loathed the expected treatment by the nurse)...I had a baby born with the bag in tact. Not sure how far out she got, but past the head for sure. It probably spared her moulding and definitely helped make it all easier since baby had been OP and if they broke the water she would have probably been much harder to push out. I know the baby was right there so I'm sure the mommy was fine with you doing it. It would be in my birth plan though personally to leave it be unless there was a reason to break it.

Ordinary, it's best for sure. My ordinary births were the ones when the baby came and the nurses just caught.


The Rogue Midwife said...

Maybe I wasn't clear enough. The baby was out to the shoulders before I broke the sack. Those babies have to come out of the sack eventually :)

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I enjoy reading your birth stories! I'm a student midwife in Adelaide, Australia and one of our assignments this year is to bring in an article that expresses to us what it is to be a midwife - birth stories like this are it for me!

Thank you for sharing!

LaborPayne said...

Hey Rouge,
Would you like me to add you to my list of midwives (CNMs and CPMs, and just midwives) that I send out when folks call or email me looking for one? If so, email your contact info to me at