Friday, August 3, 2007

Answer to a comment

Dawn asked if I ever "Deliver" in a hospital. I have 2 answers to that question. First, no I do not work in a hospital. I am strictly a home birth midwife. I have entertained the thought of becoming a CNM but, after soul searching I finally decided that I would never be able to work in that environment with a clear conscious.

I want to address another part of your question which is the word "deliver". I want to make clear that I do not "deliver" babies, I catch them. Let us take a look at the definition of the word deliver (from the Merriam-Websters Dictionary) Deliver (verb) 1 : to set free. 2 a : to take and hand over to or leave for another: b. to hand over, surrender. To use this word would suggest that I am freeing the baby from it's mother or vise versa. I do not feel that I am doing anything but keeping the baby from hitting the floor. Also, to say a woman is delivering a baby suggests that she is being freed from some sort of bondage. I view birth as an empowering experience, not as a form of bondage from which a woman needs to be set free.

I am trying to embrace a new view of birth as an empowering and enjoyable experience therefore, I choose to change my words to be more respectful of my families and their births.

So, I catch babies not deliver them and a mother births a baby, she does not deliver a baby. Just say it a few times and you will see how profoundly it will change your perception. Thanks so much for your question! I love being given something to talk about. This blogging thing is a little hard for me.

1 comment:

emjaybee said...

ooh, saw your post on laborpayne's site and came over. Another midwife blog for my blog roll, yay! I love your birth stories!

I want to become a midwife someday soon. Where did you study? Are you a lay or CPM midwife?